Desert millionaire is a new binary options software that is claiming traders can use it to make over $70,000 a month. The video on the front page start with a handful of testimonials and then the developer says you are about to become seriously rich.
Today I’ll be providing a review of this new software and letting the binary today community understand whether or not this is a worthwhile investment.
Desert Millionaire Review
The developers of the desert millionaire system are really pushing it heavily in the video and they say in the next 10 minutes traders watching this video will have a chance to be earning over $70,000 a month. Just like most of the other binary options products that are free like this the developer tells us about how he was a college dropout and is now millionaire. He goes on to show us the bank statements to prove that that’s true.
The desert millionaire software runs 100% on autopilot. The provider of the system claims that it is totally free and that you need no trading skill at all to use it. I feel like I’ve heard all of this before and it’s starting to feel like another scam. As I continue watching the video I find that the developer is going through the exact same process the others do as he tells his story. When I’m investing money I don’t invest in a story about how a college dropout became rich, I invest in a software in a strategy that is proven.
Today I will not be recommending this new desert millionaire binary options software to anyone. This is just another free binary options system and it’s likely going to drain your account. There hasn’t been one free binary options software like this one to provide any profits. If you something you would like to add to this review please leave your comments below. As always I appreciate hearing from you and hope to hear your thoughts on the desert millionaire.
( reviews)
Has anyone tried using this Desert Millionaire system recently? Just to see what there output is?
Haven’t bothered Leon. Don’t really see anything promising here.