Centument Review

centumentCentument is a new binary options software being promoted as a jealously guarded wall street secret weapon. The developers are trying to convince us of it’s power by telling us how we can make thousands in spendable cash tonight. They are really trying to push the agenda of now, and their initial focus on immediacy immediately make me wonder about it’s true efficiency.

I’m going to review this system to the best of my ability and attempt to ascertain its probability of winning us trades.

Centument Review

My first impression of Centument is good, until I’m hit with a bludgeoning popup that tells me this system has over 17,000 members. Firstly, I’ve been in this market for a long time and I’ve seen the script before. The producer is pushing the notion that their software is incredibly popular. The point of this exercise is for the man behind the curtain to make his software look increasingly impressive by bloating their audience numbers. If a system has over 500 clients in the binary options market, I know about it, because I have the connections and my readers keep the community well informed. In this case, I’ve never heard of this system and I happened to stumble upon it by myself. That being said, I don’t believe for a second that this system has as many clients as they claim.

Now if we know that Centument is lying to us about their customer base how can I believe their second claim which is that we will make $650 within the next hour and that they have proven results to back up? I think it’s very difficult to believe this. Especially considering we don’t see any trade results. There are no statements of even a week at our disposal and that’s certainly another red flag that I have to add to the list.

While I would love to promote every system I come across, I just can’t and this time with Centument falls into the negative category. I wish the shine of the website washed over me and I was transformed into a millionaire but I don’t see that happening. This isn’t the power ball. If there’s something you’d like to add to this review please leave your comments below. I appreciate your time and hope that you have a great start to the week.

I’ll be watching this system closely, and I expect to hear from you, so don’t be shy, speak up.

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  1. David January 25, 2016
    • John Kane January 25, 2016
      • david mavrick February 8, 2016
        • John Kane February 8, 2016
  2. Francis January 24, 2016
    • John Kane January 24, 2016
  3. david seggie January 21, 2016
  4. Gman January 18, 2016
  5. Suzie January 18, 2016
    • John Kane January 18, 2016

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