Bitcoin Money Machine – $1000 Per Day Review

bitcoin-money-machineBitcoin Money Machine is a new binary options product by Warren Young. As is often the case, Warren has no reputation in the binary options market. Despite this information,  he still claims that his software can make traders $5,000 per day on autopilot.

Today I’ll be providing a written review and a video review so the Binary Today readers understand if this is a viable investment opportunity or not.

Bitcoin Money Machine Review

My initial thoughts on the Bitcoin Money Machine are shrouded in skepticism. The sales page claims that the software is boasting a 98% winning rate. This is unheard of in any market, especially binary options where the majority of traders are just hoping to hit 60% on a daily basis. Binary options product developers will frequently over-sell their products if they don’t live up to average standards. I find products that guarantee or promise less are usually more reliable. The products that promise the biggest returns are the least likely to ever win a single trade. It’s this type of marketing in binary options that I refer to as who yells the loudest. The loudest voice isn’t always the one we should be listening to.

Video Review

Testimonial Proof

In order to prove the 98% winning rate claim the Bitcoin Money Machine team put together a handful of testimonials from Facebook. For some odd reason, if you do a Facebook search for any of these people every single search will come up empty. Now, this could mean that every single one of these people are using strict privacy settings but I find that hard to believe. It’s more likely that these people don’t exist and that they are just fake testimonials.

bryant-klein-testimonialHere is one of the testimonials from Bryant Klein, “When I first started my membership with Bitcoin Machine they told me I wouldn’t need experience and I said ok. Then they told me they’ll be there 24/7 to help and I was a bit skeptical about that! But when they told me I’ll be making over $1000 a day… I really thought they were joking! But they weren’t! in less than 18 days I’ve made almost $20k.”

Do you believe it? I surely don’t. There’s nothing to back this up. There are no trading statements and nothing for me to analyze whatsoever. They expect us to just  believe that these comments are real and the people writing them are trustworthy. That’s way too big of a leap for me.


I really see no reason why we would signup with the Bitcoin Money Machine. This is clearly another automated binary options trading system, and none of these can be trusted. I don’t believe that the software has a 98% winning rate nor that it provides $1000 days. Let me know what you think by writing a comment below the article now.

If you are looking for a reliable binary options system I recommend you check out Binary5, a trading software that’s performing extremely well for the Binary Today readers. Have a great day.


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  1. Cindy April 3, 2018
    • John Kane April 3, 2018
  2. Rita September 6, 2016

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