Binary Stealth

binary stealthBinary stealth is a new automated binary option signal software that claims to provide customers with over 90% accuracy. This website is one of those annoying things where it says it’s been seen on the financial Times, CNN money, entrepreneur, CNBC when really it is a very small time operation and the only thing that is been seen on those programs is probably binary options trading in general. One thing we don’t like is products mislead customers right out of the gate, incense an ugly precedent.

Today I will be providing a review on this new signal service and let binary today readers understand whether or not this is a true solution.

Binary Stealth Review

The website itself is very limited, outside of a few steps to moan about binary stealth there is very little information about the software service and how the signals are being generated. One of the things I really look for in a product is a strategy this being used to provide signals. This way we know there is some sort of game plan and we don’t have to fly by the seat of our pants. One of the testimonials claims he turned $250 to $3700 in just three weeks. These are some really bold claims and imprisoned not sure if I believe them.

One thing I always do when looking at testimonials like the ones binary stealth is providing is a tape pictures and I put them into Google images search to see if I can come up with similar images. After doing this with the picture of Mike Hitman the guy who claim to make $3700 with this software I was not happy with what I found out. I found pictures of this same Mike but his name is Dan and he is actually a pastor not a binary options trader. This really leaves me to believe that this is a fake testimonial and this company cannot be trusted.

I will not be recommending the binary stealth signal service to any binary options trader. The information I found above is a little damning and I’m not going to recommend that anybody invests their money in a company is trying to trick us. If you something you would like to contribute to this review I would appreciate if you left your comments below the article. If you’ve tried this signal service and it worked for you you can tell us about that as well.


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