BF Signals

bf-signalsBF Signals is a new binary Forex signal service that uses the latest technology. The developers of the software believe the following professional trades should not be hard and they’ll show traders have profit from trading without breaking a sweat.

Today I will be reviewing these signals and letting the binary today readers understand if their performance meets our expectations.

BF Signals Review

The BF Signals website is more professional than what we are used to, which is a good first sign. The signal providers claim to have strict trading techniques to ensure profitability while avoiding emotions. There is no further information about these techniques so we don’t actually get a proper view of their strategies. Is really hoping to get some sort of understanding of how they approach trading because it’s difficult for me to sign up with any signal service without knowing something about their expertise. I’m going to send them an email and ask about what type of analysis they use in their trading.

The BF Signals team understand that traders need signals immediately and they believe that their technology delivers signals faster than any other service. They have a performance page where we can see winning percentages for both binary options and Forex filtered by the month and year. There is no trade by trade history so it’s very difficult for us to verify this performance and we essentially have to take these developers at their word. It would be very helpful in this market if there was something like my FX book or MT4live to share real live statements.

Today I won’t be providing the binary today seal of approval for the BF Signals service. I feel like this developer is professional and takes the right approach in many aspects. The issue I have is with the results and strategy. There is very little information on how signals are generated and there’s no way for me to verify that their results are legitimate or not. I think the best course of action is to be patient and reliant community feedback. I’m sure I will be ranking well for this review so there will be a discussion if this service is truly performing as well as they claim. That being said, please leave your questions and concerns about this product now.

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  1. kira April 20, 2016
  2. Maryanne October 27, 2015
  3. lucas xan September 18, 2015
  4. Gerry September 10, 2015
    • John Kane September 10, 2015
      • Gerry September 13, 2015
  5. Karen C. September 3, 2015
    • Ryan September 6, 2015
    • Neil October 26, 2015

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