Binary Profit Method Makes 100K Per Month!

binary-profit-methodBinary Profit Method is a new binary options product by Steve Nichols. Nichols is telling the binary options community that this software changed his live because he’s now making over $100,000 a month without working. Apparently he joined forces with a wall street analyst to simplify the process of making money. Wall street and binary trading has never mixed properly in the past.

Today I’ll be reviewing this system and letting you know if it’s worth adding to your trading tools.

Binary Profit Method Review

The Binary Profit Method sales page consists of a YouTube video, an email subscription form, some testimonials and a very short description. Nichols tells us that his software is a binary options breakthrough because it was developed using the ideas of his friend who worked on wall street for many years. This isn’t exactly a glowing endorsement. We aren’t told who this person is and what type of track record he has. We also aren’t told why someone on wall street would have any success trading binary options. Up until this point, every wall street trader that has tried his luck with a binary options product has failed.

We are told that the “the system is driven by a powerful set of algorithms that analyze the markets to find great trading opportunities.” This is a vague commentary. Nichols never specifically discusses strategy at all and instead focuses telling a short, unappealing story.


Steve Nicholssteve-nichols

Steve tells us that “I never went to college, and until about a year ago I was what most people would describe as a beach bum.” First of all, I am not interested in investing in a beach bum that didn’t go to college. Next, the image on the Binary Profit Method sales page is the furthest thing from a beach bum I’ve ever seen. This guy looks like an accountant. Also, don’t get caught up in a story about a successful college drop out. Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard, it’s not the same thing as dropping out of a community college. Education is important and I’d rather have a college graduate than a beach bum developing my investment tools.


The Binary Profit Method testimonials are in the form of emails which can easily be fabricated. One of the emails is from Dan Sanders who claims “I’m a seasoned trader with lots of experience using advanced trading systems. Your system takes the think work out of trading.” It sounds great but it can’t be verified and it can’t be trusted.


I do not recommend the Binary Profit Method to the Binary Today readers. Any system that promises hundreds of thousands of dollars on a monthly basis can’t be trusted. These are numbers that nobody hits in the binary options market and he wants to give it away for free. It doesn’t sound real, and I don’t believe it.

If you ever need any help with binary options trading feel free to click Ask John at the top of the page and send me a personal email. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you have a great day.

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