Binary Money Maker

binary money makerBinary money maker is a new 100% automated binary options trading bot. According to their website they only have one free membership spot available so traders have to sign up in order to secure their position. I can say that I have heard this before and that the urgency is generally just a marketing tactic because it’s the software and they have as many free copies to give out as they want.

Today I’ll be providing a review on this new binary options product ( and let the Binary Today readers understand if there is potential here or not.

Binary Money Maker Review

As there is very little information on the front page of the binary money maker we are forced to watch the video for to try and gather what we can. The video starts off with multiple houses, then it shifts to a Ferrari and then right after that a bank account statement with over $5 million. The developer of the system is named Sanjeev Patel and he claims that the video of the car and the house was his.

As I enter the members area of the binary money maker I start to see pop-ups that show live earnings of people using the software. I also see on the right-hand side a small box that shows the spots left shrinking and the visitors to this page growing at a very quick rate. If you refresh the page like usual you will see that this is not true and the spots left in the visitors will go back to exactly the way it was before but proves that these are just scripts and that they are fake.

Today I will not be recommending the binary money maker to any binary today readers. This is obviously just another free get rich quick binary options software. The best thing for you to do is turn around and run away. There are ways to make money in the binary options field but it is not get rich quick schemes like these. Please spend some time on my website and look around at some of the systems I have reviewed and some of the software that are readers have voted to the top of the list.


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