Binary Booster Bot

binary booster botBinary booster bot is a new free binary options trading software. This system is being promoted by different marketers then the usual free binary options trading websites and affiliates. Regardless of being promoted by someone different the concept is the exact same, you are required to deposit funds with L binary and then you get access to the system.

Today I’ll be providing an in-depth review and letting the binary today readers understand if this free system is any different than the others.

Binary Booster Bot Review

The binary booster bot is just like the other free systems on the market. You have a free software that you can access if you sign up to a broker. The front page also consists of an email registration form and a video. The only thing a little different about the software is that it is being promoted better. We see there are testimonials and we see some basic functionality being shown. Outside of this though, nothing is really different in the calculations all seem to add up the same way.

sleek layout

Looks nice but I’m not sold on this, I need to see more.


As much as I hate doing reviews like this I understand that there are people that get caught up in free binary options systems like the binary booster. That being said, I have to make sure that the readers of binary today make the right purchasing decisions because I feel I am responsible for them. Now, I don’t want to say this software does work or it has no possibility of working because I haven’t tested it yet but the fact remains that every free system that follows this template has failed miserably. Now if you try hundred apples and they are all bad you probably won’t try the hundred and first.

Today I won’t be recommending the binary booster bot. If you feel like this is something you want to get involved with you can and I won’t stop you but you should be careful in understanding that these systems are generally disappointing. Please let me know if you need any help making purchasing decisions and I can direct you to software that the binary today readers used successfully on a daily basis. You can click ask John at the top of the website and send me a personal email at any time or you can leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you very fast.

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  1. Harley Martin January 29, 2015

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