AutoTrader Review: Binary Robot Plus

Today I’m looking at a new auto-trader software that is attempting to navigate these waters more cautiously, Binary Robot Plus. What I mean by that, is that they aren’t aggressively marketing the software with fake actors, and promises of overnight riches. Yet, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be the first automated software in the binary options market to work. It just means that they are marketing it differently.

The location of the offices for this development team are unknown, but they do have a contact form on the sales page if you need to get in touch.

Binary Robot Plus Review

Initially, I commend Binary Robot Plus for not telling us that this automated software is going to solve all our problems, and make us overnight millionaires because I’ve heard that sales pitch too many times in the binary options market. However, that doesn’t mean that this system is a true winner, or any different than it’s predecessors. In fact, BRP gives us very little to go on at all, and even though it doesn’t make big promises, they still utilize trader testimonials heavily.


At first bluff, it seems like this product is very different from the rest, but the more research I do, the more it gets closer to the fold.

One of the testimonials is from a woman named Mette Olufsen from Oslo who tells us that “My husband is trading in Forex and I wanted an easier way to trade so I found this website on a review and started using it to help me trade. Now it is not only my husband who are making money on trading the financial market, but also me ”

As you can see in the image provided, the picture used for Mette is used hundreds of times on different websites on the internet, each time with a different name. This makes it very hard to trust these testimonials. This wouldn’t normally be an issue as it’s just one element, but the testimonials seem to be the only information we are provided about the software.

Not a good sign.

Total Winning Trades

There is another section of the Binary Robot Plus sales page labeled, “Total Winning Trades” where there are trade examples from current clients. Yet, we are never shown any real details, or prices, so we can’t validate any of these trades.

They just show us examples that could easily be fabricated, or could have taken place at any point in time.

  • Chevy, Put, EUR/USD, $18
  • John, Call, GBP/USD, £38
  • Luis, Put, GBP/USD $45

There is nothing here to go on. They essentially want us to trust what they are telling us, but in this market trust has to be earned, because it’s been broken too many times.


It’s obviously quite early in the process as Binary Robot Plus is just hitting the market. They make it seem like they’ve been around, but the first reviews are just hitting the web this afternoon, so it’s all very fresh. My rating as it stands right now is 2.3. Sure, I’d love to give a much higher rating than this, but all I can go on is what we are shown on the sales page. Testimonials that are debunked, results that are unproven, and no discussion of the strategy at play. Then there is also the fact that there is still yet to be a binary options robot, or automated software that’s been able to win consistently.

Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think by leaving your comments and remarks below this article now.

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  1. july October 6, 2019
  2. Mark Cannon June 25, 2017
    • John Kane June 26, 2017

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