Auto Profits Trades

auto-profits-tradesAuto profits trades is deeming itself the best auto trading software 2015. The developers of this software tell us that their members make $8000 to $13,000 a day and that it’s the most profitable binary application on the market today.

In my review I will be analyzing the claims of this new vendor and informing the binary today readers of my exact thoughts and conclusions.

Auto Profits Trades Review

The people behind the auto profits trades software believe that it’s the most advanced and safest bot that can lead to financial freedom. The software is built to use history in making trade decisions and they said that it only trades when it knows with 100% certainty that it’s going to end in profit. The system comes with video training, one-on-one support, the trading software and live results from a private community. I haven’t been able to get access to these results so I’m going to try and email the developer and see if they could provide me with these.

Like most binary options products the auto profits trades system has overly aggressive claims and expectations. In the frequently asked questions portion of the website they say that a realistic average of someone who started with a $250 balance trading 10 to 15 minutes per day would earn $10,000 in week one, $18,000 a week to in $24,500 in week 3. There is no part of me that believes that this is possible for a realistic average as they put it. Considering the software is 100% automated in the first place I’m not sure why they are saying 10 to 15 minutes is even required.

At this point in time I cannot give auto profits trades a glowing recommendation. Until I see some actual proven results from real binary options traders there is no reason for me to get involved. If you have something you would like to add to the review now be the time to leave your comments below the article. I appreciate you coming to binary today to learn about binary options and hope that you stick around and look at the rest of the website to find out what’s working for myself and the binary today readers.


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