2016 Method Review

2016-method2016 Method is a new application built to make traders $800 per day. In just 10 minutes set up time the software will trade on complete autopilot in the developers promise that it will make traders $800 per day for the rest of their lives. This is obviously a very aggressive claim.

Today I’ll be reviewing this method and telling the binary today readers if we should trust the development team or put this product on sidelines.

2016 Method Review

The 2016 method website is very simple, as much as I hope to see change in 2016 it seems like this website is a carbon copy of what we saw in 2014 and 2015. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be a bad product but it certainly isn’t a good first impression. The front page consists of a headline in red, a short video and an email subscription form. Like most videos in this market the developer tells us that he’s not here to sell us anything and he’s actually going to give us a free gift just for listening to the video. When you go to the members area you will see that this isn’t the case because they want you to deposit with a binary options broker and so they are not giving you anything for free.

The 2016 method members area claims that their current 75 members made over $1 million using the system. However, they have a results section on their webpage and while it says last week these results are well over a month old and they are only in an Excel spreadsheet which anyone could create. These results also don’t show actual trades they just show the names of traders in the payouts that they received. This type of results are really not effective in portraying how the system trades and whether or not this is actually long-term strategy worth utilizing. I have a feeling that this product was already released months ago under a different name because I recognize the video and all of the testimonials.

At this point in time I won’t be providing a recommendation for the 2016 method because I don’t believe that it will truly provide traders with $800 a day like they promise. As much as I would like to believe that this is the method that’s going to change our lives I just don’t feel that this application has what it takes at this juncture. If you have a comment or question about the software please leave it below the article now. I look forward to hearing from you and hope the 2016 is profitable for you.

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