Tokyobot Review and Discussion

tokyobotTokyobot is yet another free binary options trading system. The developer of the system, Hiro Katsumi claims that this is a 3.2 million JPY loophole that every binary options traders should be exploiting right now.

Today I’ll be providing a short review and letting you know why you should probably avoid the system and any other that looks like it.

Tokyobot Review

There is really nothing to this website at all, Tokyobot is just another free binary options system. In order to gain access to this one you have to sign up with the broker called xb24, I’ve never even heard of it which is a good sign. Then as you enter the members area you can see the title that says real money live trading accounts but if you scroll down to try and see them it just shows you a loading circle. Now if the development team can’t even get the members area to show the results then I hardly feel this is professional enough for you to invest money in.

I will not be recommending the Tokyobot today for the main reason that it is another free binary options scam. None of these systems have worked and as I’ve said it 1 million times I don’t believe they will ever work because it’s probably just the same people releasing the same system every day. If you’re really looking to make money in binary options spend some time on my website and feel free to send me a personal email and I’ll help you personally find some success with the right software. One that doesn’t force you to sign up to a broker either. Please let me know if you would liek to add something to the review and leave your comments below.


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  1. Kaz December 23, 2014
  2. gary July 28, 2014
    • John Kane July 28, 2014
  3. JP Mulder July 18, 2014

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