QBits Megaprofit System Review

qbits-megaprofit-systemQBits Megaprofit System is a binary options trading product. The people producing this software are telling traders that their members made over $800,000 using this system just last month.

Today I’ll be reviewing this software for the Binary Today readers and providing a detailed analysis.

QBits Megaprofit System Review

According to the developers of the Qbits Megaprofit System their software is different than any other in the market because it works 3,600 times faster than a supercomputer. This alongside their quantum technology allows them to predict market movement and reach up to 97.5% trading accuracy. I’m not sure what they mean by reach up to. Does that mean there is a lower percentage that it’s normally at? I would like a little clarification on this. I also want some clarification on the awards that they have won at the bottom of the page. We can see a few different buttons that say they won a 2015 software award for product of the year as well as top profit system 2015. I’ve done quite a bit of research trying to find information about these awards but there doesn’t seem to be any of them anywhere. On top of that, the web-site was only registered a month and a half before the new year so they barely even traded in 2015.

The Qbits Megaprofit System video is 30 minutes long, here we are introduced to the creator and various Rich Nerd Club Members all standing in front of green screens to make them look more important. We see one man is standing in front of an image of cars, another an expensive boat and so on. I’m really not much of a fan of lifestyle marketing so I would prefer to see these people sitting in normal rooms instead of pretending to be rich. We are never really shown any proof in the video outside of one screen shot image showing $67,897.34 in profit. We never see any actual trades to verify that this came from their system.

Today I can’t recommend the Qbits Megaprofit System. There is really nothing on this webpage that makes me gain confidence in the software and what it has to offer. While they tell us about quantum technology and how it’s going to change binary options, they never give us any details or explain how. There are too many unknowns. If there’s something you would like to contribute to this review please add your comments now. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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