Fast Cash Club

fast-cash-clubFast Cash Club is a new binary options product by Aaron Martin. Martin tells us that he started his career as a system analyst with Google but became interested in binary options with his brother and decided to program this system. It’s not the usual ex-Wall Street trader story we are used to but it’s equally as odd. I really don’t see how a Google system analyst would have the necessary knowledge base to be successful in binary options trading.

Today I’ll be providing a review, taking a closer look at Aaron Martin and figuring out if this is a scam or a truly unique software.

Fast Cash Club Review

The sales page and the sales video for the Fast Cash Club don’t do a very good job at instilling confidence. Like most failing binary options products, Martin bursts out the gates with a handful of remarkable claims and promises. The system allegedly wins 98% of its trades and makes traders $3000 per day and something they labeled the “Binary Cash Cloud.” This is a technology that supposed to allow traders to take trades fractions of seconds before others. This sounds like other sales pitches that push the notion of high-frequency trading. Yet, if you were to contact of binary options brokerage they would tell you that this is not possible. So I really don’t believe in the technology.

Further Analysis

Now, there are quite a few discrepancies that I would like to analyze and discuss. Firstly, the software was released a few days ago but if you watch the video it will tell you that today is the last day to join. This is not true. I’ve been on this webpage for 3 days and I can join whenever I want because the software is still available. So that’s a lie.

Next, we have Aaron Martin, the creator of the Fast Cash Club. Much to my disappointment, it turns out that Martin is a paid actor that can be purchased on Fiverr. This actor has been used multiple times by other binary options products that have failed miserably.


Another issue that I have with the Fast Cash Club is the real lack of transparency. Despite telling us that the software wins 98% of its trades Martin cannot prove this to be true. The only way Martin could have such a specific number is by analyzing the results of the system and accounting for all of the trades. So, by that virtue Martin should be able to provide us with results, but he doesn’t.


As much as I want to believe that more trading systems and recommend the Fast Cash Club, I just can’t. There are too many discrepancies and issues with the sales page and the message being promoted. I don’t believe that there is any automated software in the binary options market that’s going to magically make traders $3000 a day. This entire concept needs to be forgotten because it’s not good for the market and it’s even worse for binary options traders.

If you truly want to be successful in binary options you should use real verified and trusted binary options software. The readers here at binary today vote on a daily basis so we know exactly what works and what doesn’t. If you have anything you would like to add to this review please do so now. You can contact me a multitude of ways, via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn or by clicking ask John at the top of the page. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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