Binary interceptor is a new binary options product that’s been built to make more than $900 per day through automated trading. This is another binary system the claims to do all the work for the trader but are you willing to trust your hard-earned funds with a computer program?
Today I will be answering that question and providing a review that analyzes and details this software for the binary today readers.
Binary Interceptor Review
The developers of the binary interceptor claim that it’s the best tool available right now because it constantly monitors the world financial markets, important news and uses the latest technology. They are telling traders that the software only takes 3 clicks to start working and that it’s like having an army of analysts at your service. There is a consistent reiteration about their software using complex algorithms that have been developed by a select group of stock market investors. Sadly, there is no real discussion of the strategy being used and no verified identities of these stock traders that came up with this method of trading.
The binary interceptor provides traders with 45 days for free and then after that they are charged 15% of their monthly net benefits. I’ve seen multiple binary options products do this in the past but none of them have actually been successful enough to collect any benefits at all. I’m not saying that’s the case here but we do have to keep that in mind. I believe that products that promote this type of business model are trying to make it seem like there product is actually going to earn lots of money. They try to back this up with a table of trading results that show a 77% in the money rate. While this is very impressive I’ve seen charts like these hundreds of times in the past but none of them are actually verified by a broker or any governing body so they really can’t be trusted.
I won’t be providing a recommendation for the binary interceptor because I would like to see real community feedback before I get involved. Any binary developer can make their system look great for the first few months but the real test comes later on. I’ve found systems like these are a dime a dozen and they disappear overnight. If this system is around in 6 months and the binary options community has nothing but good things to say about it then I’ll give it a shot. All the systems that I’ve recommended here on binary today have been serving traders for years and years. Longevity is vital to the success of a binary options trader and I understand that. If you have something you would like to contribute to this article I would love for you to leave your comments now.