Binary Assassin

Binary-AssassinBinary assassin is a new binary options software that is calling itself the fastest way to double your money on every trade today. They claim to be nation on Bloomberg, CNBC, financial times and Wall Street Journal but I see him on any of these outlets and highly doubt their product has ever had any media coverage whatsoever.

Today I will take a closer look in my review of this killing machine and find out if this software is capable of making money for just killing accounts.

Binary Assassin Review

Like usual the binary assassin webpage consists of very little information. There is a video at the top of the page and so most of the details about this product will have to be siphoned from this source. The owner of this software James Ruskin tells us that he’s made nearly 2 1/2 million dollars in 12 months using this binary software. Right after showing us a screenshot of this account he tells us that he hates lies in hype, which is quite ironic because that’s essentially what he was just doing.

James tells us that he want to share something that no one has ever dared to do until now. Just like all the other products the binary assassin developer explains to us that the global economy is on the verge of a massive cardiac arrest. I have deemed this fear marketing over the past few months as I see many sales videos explaining to us how money is getting harder and harder to come by but not if you use this particular system. James goes on to push more fear into the hearts of the viewer when he says that there is no doubt that you along with millions of others would be forced to lead a nightmarish life. He tells us that his assassin is the resolution.

Today I will not be recommending the binary assassin. I really don’t like the marketing methods being used by this vendor. There is no global economy collapse that’s going to force higher taxes and price hikes in the near future. I am a very informed person and I have never heard these types of conspiracy theories anywhere on a respectable news outlet. If you think the world is ending and you want to join James Ruskin please tell me how it goes. Now is the time for you to write your comments and tell me your thoughts on this product. Thanks for coming to binary today and I hope this review provides you with an informed opinion.

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