Algo Cash Master

algo-cash-masterAlgo Cash Master is a new binary options system telling traders they can make $3,000 today for free just for filling out a form and getting to their members area. They promise to help traders make hundreds of thousands of dollars with their application.

Today I’ll review the credentials of this system and let you know if it’s a worthwhile trading endeavor.

Algo Cash Master Review

The Algo Cash Master sales page is an email subscription form, and a video that doesn’t seem to be working today as I just see a blank page. Considering the front page is blank I’ll have to do more of my investigation in the members area. Upon entering I am greeted by Philip Diamond who immediately flashes an image of numbers next to the words C PROFITS and BGC. These words are never explained an I’m not sure if what I just saw had anything to do with binary options, or even money for that matter.

In the Algo Cash Master video we are shown images of an extravagant lifestyle but the man promoting the system looks to be sitting in an apartment on worn out couch. Philip doesn’t exactly dress the part either. Underneath the video there is a “live profits graph” that isn’t really explained. We see squiggly lines moving up and down around the $200 mark but never see any actual trades or explanation of what this is supposed to be showing us. The testimonials are also not very conclusive. We have traders like John Barrett claiming to have earned over $100,000 but when you click check his profit account there is a simple chart with no explanation of break down of the trades. From some research I’ve done already I’ve seen some traders are saying that this system is based on the EZTradingBot which is a well known scam application. I have not verified this information yet, but it does cast some doubt.

Today I won’t be recommending the Algo Cash Master. As is often the case, there is not enough proof or strategic analysis to meet my expectations. I hope that at some point in time developers start telling us the strategy behind their trading approach so I can at least figure out if they know what they are doing. It’s possible they don’t know what they are doing and that’s why they don’t provide this information. If that’s the case then we are doing the right thing by looking in the other direction. Let me know what you have to think by writing your comments on this review and product now.

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