$700 Per Minute

$700-per-minute$700 per minute is a new binary options trading software. The concept is simple but outrageous the developers claim that this software makes $700 per minute every single day of the week.

Today I’ll be reviewing this product and informing the binary today community about whether or not I feel like this system can achieve its expectations.

$700 Per Minute Review

The sales page for the $700 per minute software consists of a binary options video, an email subscription form, a live updating trades box and a timer that supposed to keep track of when the VIP invite expires. I’ve had this page open for a few hours now and it says that my invite has already expired but if I try to go to the members area it will allow me so this is not truthful all. The live updating profit section at the top right is also just another script, I highly doubt that this is actually connected to the system or anyone’s accounts.

The people behind the $700 per minute product are very aggressive in the claims. The entire concept of making hundreds of dollars every 60 seconds is more of a dream than a reality. In order to do this traders would also have to rely on 60 second expiry times which I find are never a good idea and just a big gamble. In my experiences with binary options it is apparent to me that it is way too difficult to predict the market in very small trades like these because there’s no real market movements. The members area utilizes more of these scripts as they claim to show us live updating profits but I really don’t believe that these are true because there is no verification involved.

At this point in time I cannot give my recommendation to the $700 per minute binary options software. I feel that the developers are using the same marketing methods that have been used by all the failed systems released before them. If you have to register with the binary options broker to gain access to a free system you are not going to find success. Every single binary options software that follows this method has failed and I believe will continue to fail. If you something you would like to contribute to this review please leave your comments below the article now.

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